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hay fiesta el domingo!

Son Barrina Private Concert (3)

La gente de Son Barrina tienen la oportunidad de ofrecer un concierto de
música, danza y diversión antes de que termine el verano!

Sebe ser muy divertido!

Todas las cuotas se destina a apoyar a los músicos y bailarines! Ninos
entran gratis!

Música, baile, comida orgánica, la bebida, y diversión para toda la familia!

Vamos! Y espero que tu también! Traer a tus amigos y familia!

Ven y únete a nosotros!


Abrazos fuertes, Mandy y Bruce

It’s short notice but the folks at Son Barrina have an opportunity to
offer a fun concert before the summer ends!
It should a terrific line up. All fees goes to support the musicians!
Kids entrance is free.

Music, Dancing, organic food, drink ,and fun for the whole family!

We have signed up too. Bring friends!

Come join us!


Warm hugs, Mandy and Bruce

I included the attachment to pass on to friends you think would enjoy
the concert.

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Darren Doherty soberania alimentaria curso 9 al 11 julio 2011

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Mandy 8 julio 2011

A friend (Garbriel) put together the web site which Darren can use while he’s in spain if he wants. Let me know if you want changes/updates and we will post them. Also I’m going to get a bunch of composting materials together w/Ricardo..(mostly chicken shit, straw, and house manure) there anything else Darren might need? I do have a very neglected garden as a display of what not to do. I could get some starts so people could plant in it…plenty of room. We are a bit short on tools. Might want to warn Darren we are in for a very hot spell-42c etc.. Hope you can stay a while Lisa. I could put you on as a driver on my rent a car if I know when your coming in. You would need to sign. Let me know what we can do to support you. Warm hugs, to all of you, Mandy (and Bruce and Elias)xoxo

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Mandy 06 julio 2011

Mandy Merklein Hola todos! Necesitamos manos! Quien pude venir el jueves por la mana hacer chicken caca trip para el compost que nos va a ensenar darren! No es mucho pero es importante! Hi all! We need willing hands Thrusday morning to get a load of chicken shit for Darren class-just one load! Its important. If you can come to the farm by 9am that would be great rsvp!

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Mandy 02 jul 2011

Hi. Let’s Save the Garden! Sorry I have been gone. Thanks to those who have been there. Went to the garden this week and saw it need some serious love, work, and attention. It has been very hot and dry and the earth everywhere in Mallorca is very, very dry. I dug out the potatoes the ground was hard dust. I think to save the garden we need to. Improve the soil. Have much more mulch. Improve our watering system. Shut down and cover a large part of the garden. We will be out after the heat of the day. Unless it gets , earlier. I’ll send out a watering plan for us to review. Bring cardboard and compost! Yes we can! Hasta pronto!

Mandy Merklein Hola todos. Salvemos el huerto! Lo siento, que no estado. Gracias a los que si han estado allí. Fue al huerto de esta semana y vio que necesitan un poco de amor serio,yl trabajo y la atención. Ha sido muy caluroso y seco y la tierra por todas partes en Mallorca es muy, muy seco. Saqué las patatas de la tierra eran en un polvo duro. Creo que para salvar el huerto lo hay que hacer es: Mejorar el suelo. Tienen cobertura mucho más. Mejorar nuestro sistema de riego. Cubren una gran parte del jardín. Vamos a ir al hueto. Voy a enviar un plan de riego para que revisemos. Traiga cartón y composta! Sí se puede! Nos vemos allí. xoxo mm

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bente el jueves

Bente Aaro29 de junio de 2011 11:35
Hi guys, I’ll be at the farm again on Thursday and will water:)

Gabriel Vairoletti Publicado con WordPress para BlackBerry.

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Martes 28 de Junio Mandy

Hola todos …..coming up for air. got back last night..will try to make it out 2morrow.
Bente are you watering today? Beso a todos! Y hasta pronto!
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Huerto sabado 18/06/2011

Mandy Merklein
Hola todos-huerto! plantar y poner cartón y compost. Triga cartón! También podemos cortar hebra..etc.;). Hace mucho calor, Elias tiene resfriado así vamos mas tarde hoy sobre las 16:30 depuse de comer. Pero todos vais cuando quieres. Nos vemos! Hi all , Heading to the garden today to cut, weed, cover, water, plant and compost. Bruce turned the compost this week! We may get out a bit later (after lunch) as its hot and Elias has been fighting a sore throat.feel free to go earlier..bring cardboard ..lot’s to do! Hasta pronto!

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Vamos al huerto sabado 23 abril 2011

Hoy vamos al posible que va a llover…viene preparados! Hasta pronto! Mandy

Gabriel Vairoletti Publicado con WordPress para BlackBerry.

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